hALF wHEEL created quite the buzz in 2020 with their latest album release, “Good Days”. The single “Good Day” quickly gathered 27K views after being released on FaceBook as well as other video platforms. During the pandemic, the band performed several virtual concerts, including Save Our Stages – Pittsburgh, and a live performance in Florida on the BE Well Network. With the country once again opening up, the band has been actively booking festivals. The newest album features a collection of feel good songs that blend the musical vision of Jazz Byers with strong vocal performances by Sean Nestor. The songs blend a wide variety of 12 string acoustic and electric guitars, 3 string diatonic Strumsticks, and vocal melodies to create a very enjoyable listening experience. Although the newest album has vocals, hALF wHEEL started out as an instrumental band. Their first album provided the soundtrack to “Bicycling The Southern Tier”; a documentary about Jazz’s solo ride across the United States. This is how the band got its name. (Half wheeling, in bicycling, is when the person in front of you always keeps their handlebars ahead of the person next to them or rides half a wheel’s length in front of you no matter what the speed. Whether it’s a dominance thing or a lack of etiquette depends on the person.) Since 2017, hALF wHEEL has consistently been in the top 10 on the ReverbNation instrumental charts for Pittsburgh. Peaking at #1 with the album, “Laniakea”. The song “Terra, Gaea, Earth” has been featured in several international conference commercials. The live band consists of group of very talented musicians from the Pittsburgh and Erie areas, and can vary from 2 to 6 people, depending on the size of the venue. So be sure to check out hALF wHEEL this summer.
Release Date 8/2021
Release Date 11/2020
Good Days
I Have the Moon
Angel Whisperer
Under the Milky Way
Over The Ocean
Ask The Mountains
Just Like Heaven
The Desert V2
Release Date 8/2019
Messenger Of The Gods
Venusian Skies
Terra, Gaea, Earth
Horus Of The Horion
Juno's Keeper
The Ice Giant
Oceanus, Le Verrier
Release Date 12/2017
Two Souls
Maybe Someday
Tom Crean
Clyde & Draco
Flashin' Quarters
This Is Not Goodbye
Release Date 12/2017
Keep Moving
Moving Fast
Night Time
Observing the Heavens
The Desert
The Last Mile